Testing bookmarklets

What are bookmarklets?

A bookmarklet is a web browser bookmark with JavaScript commands that add new features. These small JavaScript snippets are stored as a bookmark URL and executed when clicked.

How do you use them?

  1. Drag the bookmarklet links below into your browser’s Bookmarks Bar.
  2. When you are on the page you want to test, click on the bookmarklet.


Reveal Focus Order (via A11y Tools)

Show focus styles (via A11y Tools)

Contrast Checker (Via WebAim)

Easy Checks headings checker (Via Intopia)

Highlight image alternatives Intopia

List images (via A11y Tools)

List links (via A11y Tools)

Tables Bookmarklet (Via Paul J Adams)

Landmarks (Via Accessibility Bookmarklets)

WTFocus (via A11y Tools)

Highlight aria-label

Highlight required and aria-required Intopia

Highlight aria-invalid Intopia

Highlight aria-describedby Intopia

Highlight for and ID Intopia